61x questions to help formulate your own B2B buying journey map.

The sales conversion path for B2B has become longer and more complicated with additional stakeholders, more pressure to negotiate the best rate and a multitude of different agenda points now to consider.
Use our 61x questions to do a deep dive on how to understand and effectively communicate with your target audience.
The 61x point questionnaire has been created to help you develop your own, indepth understanding of how your buyer’s behave, their motivations and challenges.
I don’t think you need to answer every single question to understand the B2B buying journey, but the more of this kind of knowledge you do have about your customers, business, and market, the better your understanding of the journey will be and how to affect customer behaviour.
Generating insights on the key customer touch points, their buyer persona and how this links to your company offering could be enough to put your business at the front of the race to close those sales.

Let us know if you need help with the questions, or somebody to bounce your ideas off, to interpret what your buying journey says about your B2B buyers.

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